Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sentimental value for 10 years old kid

Baobei's favorite shirt - Meaty Meat Burgers
Before - Year 2010 (still slightly bigger)
Now - Year 2012
This afternoon, after coming back from lunch outside, I moved and re-arranged my son's clothes from the old cabinet to the new wardrobe. Quietly, I removed his favorite clothes, that has turned small. I put it on the floor. He didn't realize that until I asked him which underwear that he didn't use it anymore. When throwing the unused one to the floor, he then noticed that his favorite shirt and pant was there, being chosen to be thrown away. He quickly asked me if I was going to throw that away. I said, yes. He wanted to take it back, but I faster took and sat on it, didn't let him to take it away.

It was my second try. Previously I also wanted to throw it away since the shirt has turned very small (while he's getting bigger and fatter), and also, his favorite pant, has many holes on it, even there was a torn as if bitten by the hungry rats. As he couldn't take it from me, he went away angrily, and guess what? He went to my room's toilet, and was crying..... sob sob.....

Baobei's favorite pants - Ben 10
He wore it on his Birthday - w/ his best friend
He did not come out until his father asked him to go out (he's kinda afraid of his father rather than me). He was hiding there for quite some time, maybe half an hour?? When he came out, his both eyes were full of tears and turned red. He kept sobbing while ironing his clothes (his father asked him to continue ironing his uniforms). Hahaha...

Wow... can't imagine!!! 10 years old boy... so deep sentimental feeling towards his favorite clothes!! OMG!!! I was thinking if I die one day, will he cry like that??? Or maybe not cry at all? (Too angry to cry... hahaha....). I think he won't forget this incident until he grows up. :P

Below photo is his another favorite's shirt...

Just now, I was refraining him from eating tidbits as it's already quite late. He was threatening me and said, "Since you throw my clothes away, I will eat it,"and he really ate it!!! Haiz.......


  1. Like father like son . Haha :)

  2. bagus.. irit dan sayang barang.. drpd kaya rafa gak bs sayang barang.. mainan rusak smua.. berantakan...

  3. the pants i wear in birthday is different

    1. Oh ya hor... It's same Ben 10, but different. Huahahahaha.... Only the owner knows how to recognise :P

  4. the second one is not my favorite shirt (reever)

  5. Nice one, Rima. A mom who can do anything for her son. A happy New Year!
