Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Look ahead and never look back!!!

God created us with two eyes in front, so we can only look ahead and not always look behind..

God created us with two ears in left and right, so we can listen problems from both sides..

God created us with only one mouth, cos mouth is the beginning of our problems..

God created us with a brain inside our head, so that no matter how poor or rich a person, the other people can't steal our knowledge and our mind inside...

I got this forwarded by my friend.

It really opens my eyes.. especially the first sentence. That we have to look ahead and not always look back.. We understand that so many happy things behind us that we hope it will come out again in the foreseeable future but there were also so many sad things behind us that we hope it will never come back in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is wise if we always look ahead, always look in front of us and not always look behind...

Hope this can help you too whenever you have problems in forgetting something that is difficult to forget...

1 comment:

  1. truly truly great words..
    but still, its easier said then done..only strong ppl can do that
    Are we strong enough?
