Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Musical Box

Yesterday evening when I was in MRT, I received a call from PY. She purposely called me from HK to ask me whether I want to buy a Japanese hand-made musical box or not. My impression was she was saying that they sell Doraemon's musical box.. hahahaha... Well, she was not wrong in the sense that the music was definitely Doraemon's song, but the layout was not. They didn't sell Doraemon's cartoon but instead there were cats and dogs which come in pair. She bought the dogs and since Doraemon was kind of cats, she then recommended me the cats.. I was so happy when I thought it would be Doraemon's musical box. I mean.. the box was really Doraemon and everything would be that one.. But at night, after opening the attachment she sent me, I then realised, it wasn't really Doraemon's musical box.. hahahaha.. but the one in the pic above. But so cute lehhh... There was a table w/ bottle of champagne and spaghetti on it. My hubby was so shock too when he saw it, 'cos what he imagined was exactly what I imagined.. but it ended up coming up in different way.. Well.. that's fine! I'm still like it although I don't fans w/ cats at all 'cos she purposedly calling me - overseas call is expensive le.. - and she was thinking about me lor... - in the sense that she remembers me as she knew about the Doraemon's musical box.. Thanks PY!!!
I am sleepy now.. very very very sleepy... I forgot what time I slept last night.. I think it was 1am. After chatting w/ PY. The effect of kopiping was too strong. Haiyah... haven't studied a single thing yet this week.. *sigh...
Wah, today is Wednesday already. Two more days, then weekend again. Maybe time goes faster because of five-day work???
Hey.. today I went to Liang Court and found out that Seven Eleven has now come out new promo. Every purchased of $5, we are entitled with Doraemon's magnet. The magnet is small, but it consists of 35 types of Doraemon w/ costumes from different countries in the world!!! This afternoon we (my colleagues who love Doraemon and I) were discussing about it and plan to collect it whenever possible. If we have the same one, we may change it to each other.. hahaha.. I seldom buy things at Seven Eleven. Only when they need something urgently and mostly drinks and tidbits, then we will buy it there.. And actually my interest is to buy the Doraemon's candy - there are 4 types of tins and I'm going to buy it!! I asked the two shops near my hotel today but they don't have the stocks yet.. so maybe try again tomorrow... hahahaha....
See? So many people like Doraemon... =) Even they are much older than me.. hahahahahhaa... XP

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