Monday, April 07, 2008

Zhong TOTO & 4D

Well, not me...

But I'm happy for my 2 colleagues who have been winning 4D & TOTO for the past 1 week!!! First, it was L winning a thousand bucks from 4D, then S won 90 dollar from TOTO, and this morning, both of them won total of 2.5k from 4D!!! Wow!!!

They had treated us Malay rice for lunch for two consecutive days last week and tonight L treated us dinner at Sun & Moon Japanese Dining Restaurant in Wheelock Place. Wow!!! This morning S also treated me Mee siam for breakfast, specially bought from his house there...

This Thursday we will have a steamboat at AMK, at the same time a farewell dinner for L. Friday will be his last day ='( He has found a better job than this one.

Today my boss said that she wanted to invite us for farewell lunch, and leave the Friday night for L to have a drink.. Hahaha.. dunno it's true or not... 'cos we told her that we're going to have steamboat for dinner, dunno if she wanted to join us as well or not...

Anyway... they're lucky, I'm lucky too... can save some money from breakfast, lunch and dinner... hehehe.. Thanks guys!!!

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