Just finished watching 2012 at AMK Hub w/ my hubby. Quite a nice show and it made me wondering a lot if the real ship is really existing in this world! As we always know that life is full of conspiracy.
Anyway... Just received the news that my dad has won the lucky draw, the BB Bold yesterday night and he passed it to my mom. What a lucky mom!!!
And my 3rd sis has just gotten her BB too and going to play it soon. Hehehe.. Indeed the world becomes smaller w/ BB around. We can easily exchange words, pics, and even voices around, instantly!!!
But my mom need to wait 'til my eldest sis going back home so that she would know how to operate that lil' machine. Hehehe.... Kinda amazing that my mom would join the ym and bbm soon, and to get instant updates on fb too.. Hehehe...
Going to timezone after this. It's Reever's time!!! Enjoy ur weekend everyone!!