Wednesday, March 16, 2011


- Keep the one who's keeping you. Let go the one who's letting you go

One of the cruelest things you can do to another person is pretend you care about them more than you really do. -Doug Coupland

There's no point in asking someone to stay when their heart has already left. -Vincent Zandri

One of the toughest parts of life is deciding when to give up or when to try harder. -Wil Zeus

No need to be popular just to win someone's heart. Be yourself! Coz in someone's eyes, you're already special. -Jean Vanier

I wish I could record my dreams, and watch them later

The easiest way to not get hurt is to not care, but that's the hardest thing to do. -Julian Gough

A real man doesn't play games with a woman's heart. He communicates with and cherishes his woman. -Mastin Kipp

Sometimes laughing isn’t something you do for fun. Sometimes it’s a relief when you have nowhere to run. -Julia Cameron

The world most beautiful sentence, “But I love you.” The world's most painful sentence, “I love you but…” -Vea Mariz

Its easier to fake a smile than explaining why you're sad.

We can't live without friends, but we don't have to be friends with everyone. Be SELECTIVE! -@WilzKanadi

Wasting every second, minute, hour, day just to talk about others isn't wise. Stop being a hater! -@Tiffanywilliam

Sometimes you know in your heart you love someone, but you've to go away before your head can figure it out. -Sharon Creech

When girls get jealous, it's normal. But, when boys get jealous, lucky the girl he loves. -Debbie Nicholson

Sexy Body & Pretty Look are Everywhere. Sexy Personality & Pretty Attitude are.. Rare.

For extraordinary results, extraordinary steps.

I can’t hide a bad mood from people who know me well

LiFE = A game with no replay!

Mocking people in twitter without actually mentioning them is basically useless.

I hate boys who think they can get any girl.

Someone who understands you, even before the relationship starts, would make the greatest partner. -@Helloelvia

Stop worrying so much. Worrying is using your imagination to create things you don't want. Be happy and keep positive!

Having one of those dreadful struggles between what I WANT and what I NEED.

Kindness is true strength.

Discouragement can make the strongest of us fall. Encouragement can make the weakest of us rise above

The only truly painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained. -Katerina Klemer

When girls get jealous, it's normal. But, when boys get jealous, lucky the girl he loves. -Debbie Nicholson

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