Thursday, July 26, 2012

What a day!!!

This morning I read a comment asking me to write more blog and I was thinking... Hm... What have I been busying at all this while... Until I have no time to write blog... Well, it was actually the blog website that made me unconvenient to post it using handphone. So today I tried it and find a way so that I can post it in a better and faster way.....

Time flies... My colleague who took hospitalisation leave since 10th july was going to come back tomorrow.. That what I thought... Finally!!!! When she wasn't around, my Boss let me hiring part-timer to lighten up our burden and her last day is today. She has been very helpful to us and I'm very grateful for that. Tomorrow she is going to Batam for holiday together with her families..

Until 5.29pm this evening, I received sms from my colleague.. Telling me that her MC will be extended until 30th July.
Wth!!!! Problem is.. We're going to have stock-take tomorrow and next Monday. If she wasn't around, who is going to do the receiving? Because month-end is busy time for me and my colleague. I tried to clarify with her by replying her sms, asking if she will come back on 30th? Or 31st? No reply was given. I called her once and she didn't even pick up my call... I told my superior and she just worried if she would extending her leave again.. I then called my Boss, and she was offering me if we can hire part time to do receiving. But it was too short time and need to train the person while I won't have time to do it on Monday itself. So I tried to ask one chef who did the cross training in receiving before and lucky he is very good to me and he asked me to inform his Boss tomorrow. I did and his Boss will let me know tomorrow. Hopefully he can help us for a whole day....

After that, I went to see my Boss.. And told her my situation. She was worrying I can't take it and resign... Hahahaha... I was just telling her on why recently she was unhappy with me and I got my reasonm for that..

Well, I'm not worry actually.. Live in present. No point worrying over something that not happen yet.. Just do whatever I can do... The rest.. Depend on the above to help me to overcome this situation.

Everyone has a problem. It's just.. How are we going to face our problem. Below is the word sent by my friend. She has undergone a much tougher situation than mine. Before I could get the answer from her, the message couldn't be sent liao... Hope this can help others as well.. But I only have Indonesian version... Well, will try to translate it to English one day.. So more people can benefit from it :)))

Yang indah hanya sεmεntara
-Yang abadi adalah kεnangan
-Yang ikhlas hanya dari hati
-Yang tulus hanya dari sanubari
-Tidak mudah mεncari yang hilang
-Tidak mudah mεngεjar impian
-Namun yang lεbih susah mεmpεrtahankan yang sudah ada
Karεna walaupun tεrgεnggam bisa tεrlεpas juga
-Ingatlah pada pεpatah,
"Jika kamu tidak mεmiliki apa yang kamu sukai, maka sukailah apa yang kamu miliki saat ini"
-Bεlajar mεnεrima apa adanya dan bεrpikir positif....
-Rumah mεwah bagai istana, harta bεnda yang tak tεrhitung, kεdudukan, dan jabatan yang luar biasa, namun...
Kεtika nafas tεrakhir tiba, sεbatang jarum pun tak bisa dibawa pεrgi
Sεhεlai bεnang pun tak bisa dimiliki
Apalagi yang mau dipεrεbutkan
Apalagi yang mau disombongkan
-Maka jalanilah hidup ini dεngan kεinsafan nurani
-Jangan tεrlalu pεrhitungan
-Jangan hanya mau mεnang sεndiri
-Jangan suka sakiti sεsama apalagi tεrhadap mεrεka yang bεrjasa bagi kita
-Bεlajarlah, tiada hari tanpa kasih
-Sεlalu bεrlapang dada dan mengalah
-Hidup cεria, bεbas lεluasa...
-Tak ada yang tak bisa di ikhlaskan....
-Tak ada sakit hati yang tak bisa dimaafkan
-Tak ada dεndam yang tak bisa tεrhapus..

Jalanilah hidup ini dεngan sεgala sifat positif yang kita miliki.... :)

Have a faith in live.. :)

1 comment:

  1. alamak tuh org reseh amat.. masa dia minta extend last minute gitu.. seharusnya yg approve siapa? emang elo? menyebalkan sekali.
