Friday, April 04, 2014

"Flowers bloom after dry spell" in Singapore

Heliconia Psittacorum

While the peach and cherry blossoms were blooming everywhere in the countries that are going through spring season, Singapore was also experiencing flower blossoms lately. "Colorful blooms are being seen across Singapore, and perhaps the 27-day dry spell in February and subsequent showers were to thank for them," said the National Parks Board (NPark).

Bright yellow flowers

Purple Bougainvillea

Grow along the wall

Trumpet flowers in closer view

Beautiful pink trumpet trees along Merchant Rd.

I took all these pictures after having my lunch this afternoon. They were located along and around Merchant Rd. It was really beautiful!! Only within a short period of time, I engaged myself into these beautiful trees and flowers, as if I was in a heaven. The heat from the sun didn't stop me from taking the pictures.

Hydroponic garden filled with fresh herbs :)

The above hydroponic garden was created by the culinary staffs in my working place not long ago. They used the above herbs a lot and all this while they always purchased it from supplier, which didn't come cheap. Since there was quite a big space in the garden area, they made a trial to plant and grow it on their own, which hopefully, if successful, they could use these herbs as the ingredients for the food served, which was organic and healthy (no pesticide used).

Beautiful and colorful Orchid flowers :)

The above colorful Orchid plants were located along the Merchant Rd as well. But I guessed it belonged to the hotel. They had grown the plants beautifully by attaching it into the big trees. Beside these plants were the restaurant so that their guests could enjoy their meals and watch the beautiful flowers' view at the same time. Nice idea!

Colorful Jungle Geranium :)

Jungle Geranium was a common type of plants grown here in tropical countries. Usually you could find the red and orange color ones easily, but not the pink and yellow.

The white and pink giant trumpet trees 

I love the two different colors of trumpet trees above. I passed by this area more than thousand times I guessed, but only today I realized that they were actually the trees that grew two different colors of trumpet flowers. Hehehe... How ignorant I was in the past!!!

From different angle

Beautiful pink and purple flowers

The above was another type of tree, also with beautiful pink flowers grown on top (at the other end of the Read bridge), Clarke Quay area.

Trumpet flowers blossom at Hong Lim Park

Oh my... Pink flowers everywhere... It was really a great time to enjoy the beauty of the nature surrounding us. Although we might not as extravagant as other countries like, we still could enjoy this beauty around us and made the most of it by being aware about its existence.

All the photos were taken with my handphone only. Therefore, the quality might not as good as expected. However, I hope you all enjoyed viewing it :) Have a great weekend everyone!!!


  1. I think there is a reason for not having rain in Singapore: To give surprising beautiful flowers. Nice collections anyways.

    1. Yes Dumcho. Just like rainbow comes after the rain, so does the flowers :)

      Thank you for dropping by and giving your kind words! Have a nice weekend! :)

  2. Everything is beautiful maim!

    1. Yes it is Sangay. They are simply beautiful! :)
