Monday, June 01, 2020

Rainbow on the Last Day of CCB in Singapore

Rainbow on the last day of CCB

Today - 1st of June 2020 - is the last day of the implementation of Coronavirus Circuit Breaker or CCB in Singapore. It does not mean that Coronavirus has gone from Singapore. It is still here and today's cases are still numbering so high, at 408, but no new community infection is recorded (it is the first time after more than 3 months - what a good news!). And tomorrow, we are going to enter to the new phase, called Phase 1 (as mentioned in earlier post and you can find more details there).

Rainbow comes after the rain (Rainbow in Singapore 1st June 2020)

In this post I just want to share my excitement with the rainbow photos that were taken this evening from my house's balcony, the first time I saw since I have moved here for more than 8 years (perhaps it happened so many times before but I was not around or did not notice though, hahaha..).

Thank you for appearing today <3<3<3

Nevertheless, I still believe that rainbow symbolizes the good luck, providing us with new hopes and motivation, wherever it is. The weather in Singapore for the next few days is going to be cloudy and rain, which means we have more chance to find the rainbow as well. Hehehe... *finger crossed. 

Hope these pictures can brighten your days despite many of us will still take precautions by staying at home more and only go out when necessary to prevent further unexpected Coronavirus spreading in the country.

It is all temporary (be it good or bad) (Instagram: rimareyka.writes)

Remember that it is not over yet. We still have to stay vigilant and always remember to treasure our health, as we have already known that the health is the greatest wealth that human beings can ever get and let us treasure this gift of life by treating our body and mind the best we can. 

May all sentient beings be happy and healthy, free from suffering and the cause of suffering, life full of peace and joy. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.


  1. Oh .... rainbow is always beautiful thing to watch over.

    1. Yes la and we were very lucky to watch it right outside our balcony :)))
