Friday, June 07, 2024

Great Reminders from the How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies and Before the Coffee Gets Cold

How to make millions before grandma dies (Pic source:

"How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies premiered on April 1, 2024, and is now hitting cinemas worldwide. It is currently rated at 8.5/10 on IMDb, with 97% positive rating from Google users, and has made THB 320.7 million in Thailand alone, as of June 2, 2024." - Lifestyle Asia

I heard about this when I was staycation in Batam with my friend two weeks ago. She had been wanting to ask me to watch this together since it was cheaper to watch movie there. But since we both were busy, we could not watch. Until yesterday, finally I grabbed my hubby to watch it together with me.

He was wondering what kind of movie it was. I just told him it was a Thai movie and I bet, he believed my taste, so he just agreed and joined. He was struck in awe upon seeing a fully occupied theater on Thursday evening (not even weekend), and people was willing to sit at the most front rows because every where else was occupied. "It must be really good," he claimed inside his heart.

After finished watching, I understood how it had become really famous not only in Thailand, but worldwide, especially in Southeast Asia. The movie depicted Thai Chinese life and culture, which was also applicable to any other Chinese immigrants in Southeast Asia countries like Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Filial piety, favoritism upon boys, and greed upon wealth/ inheritance came hand-in-hand and usually appeared when someone old and sick was going to die - realistically and sadly. The young "good for nothing" boy - who had initial intention to benefit something from the upcoming grandma's death, changed his heart through love and over time as he spent more time together and closely with his Amah (grandma). 

It was heart wrenching. I could hear sob sounds somewhere inside the theatre when the movie was almost ended. I did not cry though, in fact, I laughed more while watching it. Thanks to the boy's character that was lighthearted and always wanted to see his Amah smiled :) 

Before the Coffee Gets Cold Quotation - Toshikazu Kawaguchi

Our parents were getting old each and every day. One day, soon or later, one thing or another, we might have to face such thing in life. I hope my parents would be blessed with good health all the time and they could spend the rest of their days happily and full of love despite living away from their children. Hope they can gain happiness from travelling and seeing the world, spending time together with their children, grandchildren, friends, and families.

The above picture was taken from the "Before the Coffee Gets Cold" book by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. Three sequels were published with the almost same stories over and over again, on how customers had the opportunity to travel to a time of their choosing, as long as they followed a long list of rules.

"There is only one seat in the café that allows time travel; the seat is only available when the ghost that usually occupies it goes for a toilet break; once back in time, customers can't leave the seat; the only people in the past who can be met are people who have visited the café; whatever happens in the past, the present won't change; and, most importantly, the customer has to return to the present before their cup of coffee goes cold (around 1 hour)." - Source:

In real life, whatever had passed, would never return. Just like a broken vase that could not return to its initial form. As Amah said, "What has been done, cannot be undone." 

Hope the movie and the book would be a great reminder to all of us to always treasure the people surrounding us, to feel grateful of their existence, and in any way possible, to spend more quality time with them - be it near or far, and to love with all of our hearts, not because we expect something in return.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Let's be active and healthy!

Health quote (Pic source:

As a fellow Singaporean, I feel very grateful that we have a government that takes care of its citizens well being, as well as health. In this matter, I want to spread this information as far as possible, so that more fellow Singaporean, permanent resident, employment pass holder or work permit holder aged 17 years and above can benefit from the exercise events that you can find out from the Healthy 365 app. 

Despite being Singaporean for almost two decades, I only started joining the event last week. Hahaha... It is never too late though. I believe, there are still many more who do not even know or aware about such benefits. What I am talking about is the free exercise programs that are available all over this tiny island and country.

Sample of Healthy 365 app

First of all, I hope by now you have downloaded the Healthy 365 app on your mobile phone, and also have collected points from many sources, such as steps that you walk every day, minutes from your physical activities (MVPA - Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity), number of hours of your sleep, points collected from healthy meals, drinks, desserts or groceries that you purchased from various shops by joining the Eat, Drink, Shop Healthy Challenge 2024 and National Steps Challenge.

Fyi, the Sleep Tracking Challenge has ended on 31st May 2024, so there is no longer needed to wear your digital watch when you sleep.

And from those points that you collect, you can redeem it to various eVoucher. From as low as 150 points, you can exchange it to a S$1 SimplyGo eVoucher (for those who do not know, SimplyGo is a travel card - can be used to pay for public transport such as: MRT and bus). You can use your point to donate to various organizations too, such as: Community Chest, SGH Needy Patients Fund. You can buy soya bean drinks, bubble tea, and many more. For me, I usually change my points to the FairPrice eVoucher - the supermarket voucher. I can buy more healthy food as a result - fresh fruits and vegetables.

I used to use the app up to this point only.

Sample of Healthy Workplace Ecosystem (HWE) events - Healthy 365

Last week my friend messaged me and asked if I ever joined their exercise program. She sent me one of the exercise events that is held at my office building. I told her, so far I had not joined any yet. I heard about those events from my Boss last year. However, when I tried to find suitable programs around my areas, I did not know how to search. Feeling hopeless, I never pursued it any more.

But this time, since the exercise event that she told me was just being held above my office, so I thought, why not? I did not even know that there was such events at this building. So that day, I brought the exercise mat (as they did not provide) and joined my first Pilates for free. Yes, it was free!!! All the programs stated there, were provided free and led by professional and experienced instructors.

As you can see the above, they have this so called Healthy Workplace Ecosystem (HWE), usually located near office buildings or city area, so that office workers can join the activity after work instead of going back home. Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Cardio Dance Fitness, KpopX Fitness, Piloxing, Line Dance, Steel Combat, Dance Remix, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) - are some of the exercise programs they offer. You can see the level of intensity of the training from that page too so you can have a mental preparation before registering the event.

It was perfect for me! I heard about Pilates since long time ago but I never gave it a try. There is classes being held but usually it comes with a price (nothing is free for those private health centers). Even when my friend told me the above, I was still hesitating as I worried that I might not be able to follow - since I never tried it before. But she encouraged me to give it a try. So, I thanked her for her support and encouragement that I finally gave it a try. Perhaps I may try other type of exercises too since it was opened to public and it was free. From the trial, then I can decide which one to keep joining and which one to let go. Isn't it fantastic??? :)

How to check exercise events at Healthy 365 App

Apart from those located near workplaces, I could also find activities nearby my home. How to find? From the Healthy 365 App, click "Explore" at below page and click "Events". You can type the area where you live in or nearby you. Here, I typed "Punggol". But Punggol is big, so is Jurong, Tampines, and other parts of Singapore. To find a more specific area, I click "Map View" Here I could use my fingers to move the map around and find the location nearby my home. 

The blue pins indicate the place where the exercise events being held. So I can just click on the blue pins, and the name of the place will appear at below, then I click "View events at location".

Healthy 365 App

The above left page will appear. There, you can see which day and date, what type of exercise, level of intensity, for who, and so on. For details, click on that event and the right page will appear. If you are interested and want to join, click "Book now" below.

So, there are many ways to search for the suitable exercise and location that you want. Once you click Book now, they will send an email for your as confirmation. If you are unable to go, you have to cancel it beforehand, otherwise there will be penalty - and it also gives other people chance to join that empty slot. Fyi, Active Ageing means for people age 65 and above.

This way, you can have as many exercise as you want and all at the convenient of your fingertips. 

You can check the Health Hub website here to find out government programs for the healthier Singapore, not only physically, but also mentally. 

So, are you ready for your next exercise event??? I hope this post can benefit you and motivate you to exercise more in your daily life. Jia you!!! :)