Friday, August 27, 2010

It's exactly a week after my holiday trip. Work has started as per usual. Going to be busy next week as I need to do closing. After coming back from Tibet, I feel refreshed! I learn to let go certain feelings. There is a slightly dream of being a better man. Not being a man, but to have a better thinking in a perception of facing daily life. Like what Jia Dun said (our tour guide in Tibet), we are always facing the three things, in Sankrit are lobha, dosa, moha (tan, chen, cheng) or greed, hate, and jealousy. That's what made human's life worse. We are always be controlled by those things.
Learn to let go,accept imperfectness, simple thinking of being happy, dream something that you may achieve will be my current thinking on how to face life. Sometimes we would face something unexpected in life. It's really hard to accept reality when you face a sudden loss of someone you love (family members, for example), accident that change your life, and so on. Like it or not, we'd somehow face that reality 'cos everything in this world is impermanent, always change. As a human being, we would encounter the 4 cycles, which is born to life, getting old, getting sick, and die. It happens to everyone.
What we have to do is to open our hearts and accept the reality of life. And before our time comes, try to do good deeds as much as you can. Well, always easier to say than done. But that can become one of your goals on how you live your life with a purpose and not just let day by day gone wasted like that.
It's Friday! Hope you have a great weekend, spend your time with your loved one. Cherish and treasure what you have. Think about it! :)

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