Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Bukan Siapa Siapa (Nobody)


That night, I felt a sense of peace and emptiness. Emptiness here, in a good way, in the sense that nothing held me down from whatever feelings and emotions that used to bother me a lot, sending me to the roller-coaster ride kind of mood, plus attachment filled with care, worry, and at the same time, love. It took time to get rid and brush off whatever bit that was left behind in the corner of my brain and heart.

As I turned pages of old notes, it brought me to the past for a while. But this time, I could laugh myself off, instead of feeling fury or disappointed. It was all the matter of the past. No longer break me down. No longer affect the present time. 

I lie down freely on my bed. Freedom. Peace. And love, for myself and those who deserved it. 

Bukan Siapa Siapa (Nobody) by Ajahn Brahm

I picked the book from my bed side - Bukan Siapa Siapa (Nobody) - written by Ajahn Brahm, which I found it from book corner in Clarke Quay last month. It was in Indonesian language, perhaps fated for me to pick and read. I had just started reading it, so could not comment much. But let me share with you the review done by one of the readers posted in Goodreads:

"Ajahn Brahm gives a brilliantly cogent and captivating case for developing nibbida--repulsion-- toward all attachments, particularly the body, and the "I, me, and mine" that are at the root of all suffering. Be a "nobody", Ajahn Brahm extols. Who can be the biggest nobody? By being nobody, by not expecting from life what it cannot provide, you can release yourself from suffering. A truly counter-intuitive viewpoint from a culture that enhances the "I, me and mine", Brahm argues for monastic life, and to "extinguish the flame" of rebirth that continually perpetuates the inherent suffering in life. Yes, his case for monastic life presumes the function and reiteration of karma, but Brahm distills Buddha's insights to show that life is STILL suffering, and that suffering is increasing exponentially. The brilliance of Brahm's (the Buddha's) insight is the universal power that comes from simplicity. Brahm uses accessible arguments that belie the complex simplicity of Buddhist metaphysics and psychology. I'm not sure how deeply I will practice the art of disappearing, but it has provided me with unforgettable alternatives for the suffering which is at the heart of existence. If I do not disappear, I have nonetheless gained powerful tools to lessen the grasp of the id and ego, which promise satisfaction, but produce only pain."

"I, me, and mine" - represented ego, the root of all suffering. If it happened to others, 'I' would not feel the pain. But when it happened to 'me', it hurt like hell. And as long as what was lost or broken was not 'mine', I would not feel the pinch either. That was the easiest way to tell you what attachment was. 

But theory was always easier to understand. When things really happened to ourselves, it was really difficult to overcome. And it took time for us to accept the reality, to adjust our mindset, and to relieve the pain. It was fine to be absorbed by sadness, but do not let it hold too long. Many pain in our heart created disease to our physical body without we realized. 

Living and focusing at the present moment. Be aware and mindful of our own feeling. And aim towards something better. Remember, you are not the only one experiencing all the pain. Everyone else does too. Let us heal as time goes by. Time is the best medicine to forgive and forget. Grow wiser, be a better human being. Live, love, and laugh, make others happy in any way that you can. Let go the past. Let bygones be bygones.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Reminder post for a great year ahead!!!

There are always things to be grateful for :)

When we die, our money remains in the bank, untouched. Yet, while we are alive, we often feel we don’t have enough to spend. The truth is, when we’re gone, much of what we worked for remains unused.

Consider this story: A wealthy business tycoon in China passed away, leaving $1.9 billion in the bank. His widow eventually married his chauffeur. Reflecting on this, the chauffeur said, “All along, I thought I was working for my boss. Now I realize he was working for me.”

The reality is harsh but simple: It is more important to prioritize health and well-being over accumulating wealth. Life is about making the most of the time we have, not hoarding what we may never use.

A high-end phone? 70% of its features go unused.

An expensive car? 70% of its speed and gadgets are unnecessary.

A luxurious home? 70% of the space is rarely used.

A wardrobe full of clothes? 70% of them are never worn.

At the end of a lifetime of earning, 70% of it often benefits others. The challenge, then, is to cherish and fully utilize the 30% that truly matters.

Live wisely and intentionally:

Go for regular health check-ups, even if you feel fine.

Drink water often, even if you’re not thirsty.

Let go of problems, even when they seem overwhelming.

Be willing to compromise, even when you’re right.

Stay humble, no matter your wealth or status.

Practice gratitude and contentment, even with less.

Take care of your mind and body, no matter how busy you are.

Invest time in people you love and cherish.

Simple rules for a fulfilling life:

Love deeply. Pray often. Spend time in reflection.

Eat mindfully: Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.

Live with energy, enthusiasm, and empathy.

Read, dream, and smile often.

Sleep well, exercise daily, and take quiet moments for yourself.

Avoid gossip, grudges, and hate—they waste precious time.

Forgive freely and focus on the present.

Call your family, make others smile, and give generously.

Spend time with both the young and the old—they teach us different lessons.

Do the right thing, even when it’s hard.


Life changes, and so will your challenges—nothing is permanent.

Start each day with gratitude.

Happiness is an inside job; don’t rely on others for it.

Embrace simplicity, laughter, and love.

Life is short—live it fully, love unconditionally, and cherish every moment.

P.S. Copy and paste this from Facebook :)

Hope you learn a thing or to and live your life wonderfully this coming year!!! Happy New Year 2025!!! Love, hug and kiss :)

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Last day of 2024

Thank you to you know who you are :)

After finishing a bowl of mee hoon kway yesterday afternoon, I opened a message from my Boss. She said if there was nothing, I could close the office for half day and tomorrow too. Wow!!! I was really grateful and thankful for having such a wonderful Boss. I finished whatever I was doing, informed her to approve the payment, packed my stuffs and went back home. 

And today, it was the last day of the year 2024.

What would you do on this day? Some went to office (mostly half day) to work. Some had to work overtime (not that they wanted to, but it was just one of the busiest days of the year). Some went shopping. Some went to religious places like church, temple, mosque, and so on, to pray and to thank their God for the passing 2024.

Quiet morning doing what I love doing :)

As for me, this morning I chose to spend my time at the coffee shop ordering a cup of kopi-o and my favorite hazelnut munchi pancake (the filling was just like the one inside Ferrero Rocher chocolate). I brought the book that I currently read to the coffee shop too. I ate, drank, and read at the same time. I sat down at one corner and quietly enjoyed my morning :)

"Intermezzo"by Sally Rooney

I checked the opening time of the library. After clearing my empty cup, I walked there. I returned one book through the return book machine then I checked the library apps for the available book that I was eyeing for, and yessss!!!, there was one available. I immediately walked towards the shelf, grabbed it, and scanned it using the apps! Yihaaaa!!! So happy to finally find it!!! :)

Peaceful, calm, and quiet library :)

I found a seat near the shelf, sat myself down comfortably, with both legs folded, and continued reading my book. It was a peaceful, calm and quiet. Not many people chose to spend the last day of their year to read inside the library. But I was happy that I did. 

I went back home around 1pm, heading to the fridge and steaming the food that came from my hometown. There was nothing better than hometown food, I guessed. Added some sweet sauce, squeeze dried the lime, added some bawang goreng and Kerupuk, and it was perfect!!! :)

The weather was cloudy today and it was perfect to sit at my favorite spot at home, which was balcony. I opened my journal. My hand was moving non-stop as my mind did. It poured up with words that just came out of my mind. Every single thing that came up, I just wrote it down. Soon, 8 pages was filled up. Haha....

As the age increased, I really learned and experienced many things. I changed and evolved too. I used to think that I would never grow up, and always behaved so childish. But I realised, I was no longer who I was before. 

My thought on many aspects in life had incredibly changed too!! Especially in friendship and relationship. 

And as the age increased, things in mind often went backwards. Negative thought sometimes appeared uninvited. But then, one morning when you woke up, suddenly gratefulness was all over. If those things that you regretted never happened, you would never experience the beautiful things that came along with too. And things that seemed to be regrets, were no longer regrets. It was actually enhancer, the betterment, the add points for the current situation, the immense gratitude for what you were actually having at the present moments. It was like "there would be no rainbows without sunshine and rain" quote. 

My 2025 resolutions

Whatever things were, beautiful and sad, it was no longer there. It was all in the past and no longer need to occupy any space in our heart. Let it go. Just like those beautiful friendships that could no longer be retained, just let them go. Many times, I thought I could retain them as much effort and heart I could give, but I was wrong. Not everyone thought the same way and had the same intention. So what I could do was to let them go and treasure those who stay.

I jotted down my 2025 resolutions on my journal too. I have already had in mind places i wanted to visit this year and I want to spend solitude time more or otherwise with people whom deserve it. So, wish everyone a wonderful year ahead, with whatever goals, resolutions and plans of yours. It is all different for each individual but whatever it is, I really wish you all a smooth sailing of year 2025, may you be blessed with good health and tons of happiness ahead!!! Cheers..... :)

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Beauty of Kyrgyzstan - Places we visited in Issyk-Kul Region

Beautiful nature in the land of Kyrgyzstan :)

Here we are!!! Let me share with you the wonderful nature in the land of Kyrgyzstan :)

Broken Heart - Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan

On our way from Karakol to Bokonbayevo Village, we passed through few places, mostly beautiful nature that were not to be missed!!! First, we stopped by to see a large cliff that looked like a heart broken into two, that was why it was called the "broken heart". 

Djety-Oguz or "Seven Bulls" Rock Formation in Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan

Soon after, we stopped again to see the 35km length Djety-Oguz (in Kyrgyz language, it means "seven bulls" since the rock formation composed by tertiary (Paleogene) reddish deposits shaped just like it. There were many legends about the this rock formation, so with the 'broken heart' and they had become the symbols of the Issyk-Kul region and favorite images for photographs and paintings (As to say: "If you have not seen it yet, means you have not been to Issyk-Kul region").

Sea buckthorn tree - Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan

Not far from here, we saw many sea buckthorn trees on the side of the road. Our driver stopped by and cut one of the branch full of it and gave it for us to eat when we reached to our next accommodation. Remember the last post where Issyk-Kul Brand Shop was one of the must visit places in Karakol and sea buckthorn juice was one of the local product produced and sold over there? So this was how the fruits and the tree looked like. You could eat it raw and just plucked it directly from the tree.

The first waterfall - Barskoon Gorge, Kyrgyzstan

We drove to Barskoon Gorge and hiked up to see the cascading waterfalls named as "Tears of the Leopard," "White Beard," "Splashes of Champagne," and "The Bowl of Manas", named after the legends. So many legends to be found here in Kyrgyzstan. The above photo was the first waterfall we visited, which was also the nearest and easiest to reach.

"Tears of the Leopard Waterfall" - Barskoon Gorge, Kyrgyzstan

The "Tears of the Leopard" came from the story of the female leopard cried when she lost her three children while went hunting. The tears then became a waterfall with three ledges. This was the second waterfall we visited, said to be the most beautiful one among the three. Here, you could see the beautiful Tian Shan furs (spruce-like trees) and barberry trees (you could see the barberry fruits on the picture above :)).

One of the two Yuri Gagarin monuments at Barskoon Gorge, Kyrgyzstan

We saw one of the first astronaut's monuments in the area - Yuri Gagarin - as he often visited this place, spent some time here to recover from his mission to space.

Horses for rent - Barskoon Gorge, Kyrgyzstan

The view was really beautiful. The air was fresh. Nature was all you could see. You could pay and ride the horse if you wanted to. I chose to hike instead as I had been eating too much and needed to do some exercise :D

All these places were located near the Issyk-Kul Lake, one of the largest and deepest mountain lakes in the world that did not freeze even in the coldest winter, surrounded by the beautiful Tian Shan mountains. You could check the Kyrgyzstan map out and see how big the lake was and where were the places I mentioned located. And wherever we went, we could see the beautiful Tian Shan following us.

Royal Gate Yurt - Issyk-kul, Kyrgyzstan

The above photo was one of  the yurt camps that were available for rent (quite a new one), overlooking the lake and also the snow capped Tian Shan mountain range. We stopped there to have our lunch and I had a chance to see the view inside the yurt. Most yurt was equipped with personal bathroom (unlike some who had separate share bathrooms and toilets). You could see yourself how beautiful it was!!!

Skazka Canyon or the Fairy Tale Canyon - Kyrgyzstan 

And before we moved to our "private rent" yurt camp (since it was only us stayed in the area for the night), we headed to one last beautiful nature of Kyrgyzstan called the Skazka Canyon or known as "Fairy Tale Canyon". 

Skazka Canyon or the Fairy Tale Canyon - Kyrgyzstan

Skazka Canyon or the Fairy Tale Canyon - Kyrgyzstan

This was the place where you could see the limestone clusters, bulging sandstone and the colorful soil, one of the best destinations to visit in Kyrgyzstan. If you plan to visit Kyrgyzstan, this place is a must visit place!!! 

With our lovely guide - Ms Aisuluu at Skazka Canyon, Kyrgyzstan 

Formed as a result of thousands years of ice, water and wind erosion, this magnificent desert like landscape had transformed into an array of sculptures and formations, where red, yellow, orange and brown spires of rocks rise out of the earth and into the sky.

Talking with stone - Skazka Canyon, Kyrgyzstan

Skazka Canyon or the Fairy Tale Canyon - Kyrgyzstan

At this point of time, you could see all the photos I took, it was like I was the only visitors of this magnificent place and it seemed like those produced for the post cards, weren't they? We were very lucky and grateful indeed because there were not many visitors visiting this place when we were there. I mean, some area was small and meant to be climbed in a very small group of people. I could not imagined how it would be if a big group of people visiting this place at the same time.

You need to wear shoes with strong grip as to prevent slippery while climbing. It was not advisable for people who had weak knees. It was advisable to walk with your guide as well since the area was huge. You might get lost if you wander around alone because no signage available. And yes, we were lucky too for the great weather!!! :)

Statue of Sayakbay Karalaev - Kyrgyzstan

We passed by the above statue on our way to our camp. It was the statue of Sayakbay Karalaev - a Soviet and Kyrgyz famous storyteller and manaschi (a reciter of the epic Kyrgyz poem Manas). You could find his face in the 500 som note of Kyrgyz money too :)

Sunset view at Elistet Yurt camp, Kyrgyzstan 

We had a really great time exploring the Skazka Canyon and our driver drove as fast as he could so that we could catch a lovely sunset view from our yurt camp :)

View from our room - Elistet Yurt camp, Kyrgyzstan

We stayed at Elistet Yurt camp, a very beautiful camp where all of our yurts were overlooking to the lake (you could wake up with sunrise view in front of you). The room was very big for 2 of us (they gave us one double and one single bed inside). There was standing jacuzzi inside the big bathroom too where you could take a bath and listen to the radio at the same time.

Overlooking Issyk-Kul Lake - Elistet Yurt Camp, Kyrgyzstan 

Below, we could take the staircase down and visit the lake that were made looking just like a sea or the beach with sands. The mountain views at the side was equally marvelous. Apart from the usual green mountains, you could also see the colorful ranges of mountains :)

Dinner at Elistet Yurt camp, Kyrgyzstan 

They prepared our dinner freshly cooked there. As the appetizer, we were served beef cooked with cucumber, colorful paprika and tomato together with the local bread and butter. A big bowl of chicken soup was perfect for a cooling night (and also for its nutritious value). As main, we were served with white rice and another sautéed beef with vegetables.  

Full moon night at Elistet Yurt Camp, Kyrgyzstan. My favorite photo :)

It was a full moon night. There were cats and dog at the area. This cute and playful kitten entertained us during our stay there. He ran here and there surrounding us. They even wanted to come inside our rooms. Hahahaha... It reminded me of my roommate who ran here and there, trying to shoo the kitten away from entering :D Thank you Claudia for capturing the lovely photo above. Love it so much!! Also for the local beer treat ;P Cheers!!!!

To summarize, let me share this Youtube video "Welcome to Kyrgyzstan" where you can see the beauty of Kyrgyzstan with a lovely music and song :)

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Cheers to 20 years, Overcome Life!!! :)

Cheers!!! :)

Just realised now that this blog has been with me for 20 years now. Wow!!! Look how far I have grown and how much memories and moments I have made! It is incredible!!! It is really like a diary, that I can open anytime, to see what kind of event I went through, what mood I experienced, what songs I listened to, what lesson I learned, and so on. 

Life has been good for the past 20 years and of course it is without hiccups in between. Many things I want to forget, many things I still want to do too. I am still grateful for everything, especially for the good health (15 years of SLE and still going strong), only that I prefer a slow life these days with handful of people who are close to my heart. 

Could not believe how many countries I have been to for the past 20 years and that was the drive of living my life to the fullest while my legs still can walk.

I know one day I will be gone from this world. But as long as I live, I will still write what I want to write, express all what I feel. Just as when as I want, have feeling and have time. 

Time to sleep now. Once again, cheers to 20 years reeverking.blogspot. Thank you for being there for me always and all the readers (if you are still there to read my non sense post or just to see beautiful photos that I share).

Wish everyone be blessed with good health and happiness. Take care and smile always :) Hope there will be more decades to go in this blog journey. Cheers.... :)))

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