Today I made a first move... enroll for ACCA class for next year. I've had this thinking of continuing study since 2 weeks ago ba! I asked my colleague to pass me the brochure and had been with me for the past 1 week. Finally I handed in the brochure and paid the course fee for 1 paper. Start with one first. I need a confident to start again. The flame that had been off since two years ago.
I had this courage to upgrade myself. I don't want myself stuck down there, living in cubicle for the rest of my life. I mean... I also don't expect to go up so soon, but I need the knowledge to understand the whole thing, how it is actually going on. So far, my knowledge is quite limited and it's based on my own logical thinking rather than theory.
I choose P7, finance reporting, rather than P9. I was stuck in P9 for 2 terms and that's what stopped me. So I think I need to change direction, going to P7 first, and slowly to the rest. Out of P9 at the moment, although it's closer to my job now.
I'm not aiming high, but I just don't want to be stuck. That's it! I believe in long life learning, but dunno if my brain can still work. Haiz....
Really need a lot of encouragement and motivation to go through this. Quite happy that some friends are supporting my decision, but of course, the rest is up to me.
Well, first step is done. The rest.. is really up to me. Wish me luck ba!!!
Btw, today I really twisted my mind. Suddenly I've a new goal to pursue, to concentrate on. Rather than wasting my time thinking of other stupid things. Kekeke....
I told myself before this. If I'm going to enroll this class, I will indulge myself buying any stationery I really want, no matter how expensive it is. Well.. easy to say.. Hahaha.... I prefer to buy things I need rather than I want. So, see if I can purchase what I want rather than what I need. Hahahahaha.....
This evening, I managed to buy a working bag from Charles & Keith. My hubby paid it for me. It's his first time buying me bag. Hahaha.... He is very proud of it. :D Thank you laogong! But I told him, the bag is too formal. Sometimes I feel, I'm not into it. It's too classy or too professional, not really suitable for me who is more relaxed type and anyhow wear one. Hahaha... I even told him, I planned to buy that bag only if I was promoted to higher level because at the moment, my style is more relaxed one... Hahahaha.... Haiya.. don't bother so much la.. just use it and that's it.. rite?
I'm a bit bored with my hair style. Any suggestion on what should I do with my hair?? I don't want it short because I'll look fatter. I don't wanna my hair too flat too.. But I also don't like fringe. Haiya... maybe I'm just going to trim it ba??? But if you do have suggestion on my hair, really appreciate to msg me. Hahahhaa...
Ok lah.. it's late now. I'm going to sleep soon. Tomorrow is holiday. Yihaaa!!! We'll have curry chicken again tomorrow night, cooked by my hubby's cousin's wife. Jialat ah... when to diet????