It took me an hour plus for each journey by public bus. It's alrite as long as I got a place to study.. really... Have tried many times to study at home, but I failed... I would spend most of my time at home to browse internet or sleep... Haiz... Exam is coming in about 2 weeks and the most I can do is only one question ba??? The rest.. haven't done any exercise yet. Next weekend hopefully I can practice more on Cash Flow.. Then just a week before the exam, I've taken few days leave.. I will use it to practice on Group CBS/CIS, Ratios & Interpretation, and hopefully, other theory as well.. Hiks... Still many things need to practice as I didn't practice enough previously... Well, at least I try... Now.. still dunno on what to buy here.. I had Filet O Fish & chicken nuggets for lunch, chocolate sundae for tea break... wanted to have something hot... but not coffee la.. 'cos tomorrow I will have a class again from 10am to 5pm.. The rest of the night.. is to sleep and have a good rest.
It will be a busy closing week for next week.. so don't expect so much that I got any time to study.. Hiks.. Okla... write 'til here.. still can't decide on what should I have for dinner.. haiz....
Additional... I had another McDonalds meal in the airport.. last week, 31 May 2008. And they had Kungfu Panda promotion meal and also Kungfu Panda figure toys for Happy Meal. I took a picture of it as I found it nice. Hehehe.. Enjoy...
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