Finally my tooth is done! Yesterday the clinic called and checked if I were free at night. The crown was done. Since I had nothing, I went and fixed it. At the same time, I washed my teeth there. Feel very clean and healthy now :) I know why my previous tooth was broken now. It's because the tooth below is quite sharp and when I closed my mouth, it kept hurting the tooth above. No wonder it's suffered without I knew it.
Anyway... I really spent my bonus that I haven't even received yet on my teeth. Hahaha... Since it's using my hard-working money, I enjoyed the whole process happily :) Although it hurted me sometimes, but I saw the result on it, and I'm happy with it :) The money spent was really worthed!! :D
Well, it's month end again. Time to stock-take and closing again. Hope everything will go smoothly... Have a great day everyone!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Had a relaxing night last night. It was a last minute decision that few of us went to drinking session. All of us loves to drink and we kept telling each other to go drink one day.. So we just made it happen lor....
Weather was good. It wasn't raining, but cooling. We sat at open air without roof on top. There were 6 of us. Started with 'Jez', a German made beer (never heard before). The colour is yellow, the taste was okay for me, a bit light. Since we were served by 'Jez' promoter, so we ordered 'Jez' for our first 2 bottles. After that we ordered 2 bottles of Carlsberg, then lastly 2 bottles of Tiger and a bottle of Heineken. We ordered total 9 bottles.
Before going there, I went to my bro's place to pick up some food and other items brought by my cousin who is coming here. Just nice she bought Bangka roasted pig. I cut half and we ate it there to accompany our beer. Also some 'kemplang', fish crackers with its chilli. Heaven!!!
We drank since 7.45pm and last to 10pm, then went back home. We didn't stay too long since most of us has to work this morning :D
Well, hope that session can refresh my brain. Kekeke.... Have an enjoyable day everyone!!!
Weather was good. It wasn't raining, but cooling. We sat at open air without roof on top. There were 6 of us. Started with 'Jez', a German made beer (never heard before). The colour is yellow, the taste was okay for me, a bit light. Since we were served by 'Jez' promoter, so we ordered 'Jez' for our first 2 bottles. After that we ordered 2 bottles of Carlsberg, then lastly 2 bottles of Tiger and a bottle of Heineken. We ordered total 9 bottles.
Before going there, I went to my bro's place to pick up some food and other items brought by my cousin who is coming here. Just nice she bought Bangka roasted pig. I cut half and we ate it there to accompany our beer. Also some 'kemplang', fish crackers with its chilli. Heaven!!!
We drank since 7.45pm and last to 10pm, then went back home. We didn't stay too long since most of us has to work this morning :D
Well, hope that session can refresh my brain. Kekeke.... Have an enjoyable day everyone!!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Where has my motivation gone to???
Last weekend I really didn't have mood to revise my lesson. Until now, I still haven't enrolled my exam yet, nor my revision class.
Where has my motivation gone to? Am I not having enough confidence? Or do I just afraid of having failure?
Just learnt important lesson last Saturday that words have power. Do you think it will help???
Well, I'll do it!! Not 'try', OK? :D
Where has my motivation gone to? Am I not having enough confidence? Or do I just afraid of having failure?
Just learnt important lesson last Saturday that words have power. Do you think it will help???
Well, I'll do it!! Not 'try', OK? :D
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Tse Yang - my traning place
I was quite curious about how my ex-training place looks like nowadays... or is there still anyone I know over there after 13 years... so I browsed around the power of internet and I found the blog written below:
Le restaurant chinois de l’Hôtel Kempinski reste un des meilleurs de Genève. Voyageons avec le menu «Séchouan».
Si la lecture approfondie de la carte et le prix des plats vous effraient, tournez donc la page et examinez les cinq menus proposés.
Ils constituent une alternative intéressante. Au centre une proposition à rallonge sous le titre de mandarin. Mais tout autour, des plats consacrés aux différentes régions. Cuisines de Canton, Pékin (consacré au canard), Shanghai et mets du Séchouan si durement touché par le tremblement de terre.
Parallèlement arrive un panier frit rempli de grosses crevettes et de noix de Saint-Jacques. Elles sont alanguies dans une sauce très pimentée garnie de petits champignons et de tronçons de cœur de bambou.
La cuisson des crustacés (croquants sous la dent) comme des coquillages (translucides, presque bleus, ce n’est pas fréquent dans un restaurant asiatique). Là encore, les saveurs restent intactes, tout au plus une petite rectification de sel (un soupçon de sauce soja) s’impose. Question de goût.
Trois plats remarquables complètent ce menu stimulant, tous aussi parfaits les uns que les autres. Des filets de sole d’abord. De la vraie sole, épaisse, à la texture idéale, cuisson parfaite. Elle est escortée d’oignons nouveaux et de cubes de gingembre frais. C’est ce dernier qui dynamique le plat.
Pas de problème de ce type pour le bœuf croustillant. Une préparation qui exige une excellente technique. Dans la grande majorité des cas, on se retrouve avec des lanières de viande raides, dures, collantes.
Ah! Il faut de la dextérité pour enrober de caramel la chair sans la durcir. Les fines rondelles de carotte et les piments rouges qui les accompagnent dans cette aventure conservent aussi leur texture. Un plat immense qui couronna un menu exemplaire.
Enfin presque. Parce que le dessert attendait en embuscade. Et il aurait été dommage de ne pas le voir atterrir sur la table. Imaginez des coques rondes de caramel panées au sésame. Un réseau très serré protégeant une glace crémeuse à la noix de coco. Cela croque et fond en bouche à la fois. Rien à voir avec ces beignets dont la croûte molle et parfois graisseuse entoure une crème glacée sans âme.
Oui, le Tse Yang est toujours à la hauteur de sa réputation. Et ses menus permettent de limiter les ravages de l’addition. Surtout en choisissant comme vin d’accompagnement une bouteille raisonnable comme ce Château de Calissanne Rosé à l’aromatique élégante et à la vinosité qui permet d’affronter des plats aussi puissants.
Hôtel Kempinski
Wow!!! Time flies man!!! It used to be under Noga-Hilton Hotel building, but now has been changed into Hotel Kempinski. Haiz... If I'm about to go to Switzerland again, sure that lots of things change!!!
Wonder on how the rest of the staffs doing.. Are they still working there??? ****
Le restaurant chinois de l’Hôtel Kempinski reste un des meilleurs de Genève. Voyageons avec le menu «Séchouan».
Le cadre est toujours aussi magique avec ces panneaux de bois sculptés qui divisent la salle en multiples compartiments, un somptueux aquarium et la vue sur la rade et le jet d’eau. L’accueil est délicieux à l’image de la jeune Asiatique qui apporte les plats avec le sourire en s’excusant de ne pas bien manier la langue de Voltaire. Bref, le Tse Yang reste un chinois incontournable de la vie gastronomique genevoise.
Au fourneau, le même chef, Lau Kwok Keung, depuis 25 ans. Originaire de Hongkong, il maîtrise avec talent les diverses cuisines chinoises. Absent depuis trois mois (fracture du pied), il peut compter sur une équipe solide dirigée par son second, Kong -Tit-Ho.
Si la lecture approfondie de la carte et le prix des plats vous effraient, tournez donc la page et examinez les cinq menus proposés.
Ils constituent une alternative intéressante. Au centre une proposition à rallonge sous le titre de mandarin. Mais tout autour, des plats consacrés aux différentes régions. Cuisines de Canton, Pékin (consacré au canard), Shanghai et mets du Séchouan si durement touché par le tremblement de terre.
Des won ton toniques
L’art culinaire de ce dernier est marqué par des plats très pimentés. Alors voyons si le chef a eu la main lourde. La soupe de won ton ouvre le bal et réveille violemment les papilles. Dans un bouillon parfumé et sapide, nagent trois raviolis tout ronds. Une pâte fine enveloppe une viande très goûteuse. Les piments se trouvent dans le liquide et donnent un relief étonnant. Ils ne tuent pas les saveurs, mais les amplifient. Une vraie réussite.
Restons dans l’art du ravioli avec ces triangles frits. Attention, c’est très chaud. La pâte croustillante est farcie de dés de bœuf et d’oignon confit au curry. Moins forts que la soupe précédente, mais terriblement goûteux.
Parallèlement arrive un panier frit rempli de grosses crevettes et de noix de Saint-Jacques. Elles sont alanguies dans une sauce très pimentée garnie de petits champignons et de tronçons de cœur de bambou.
La cuisson des crustacés (croquants sous la dent) comme des coquillages (translucides, presque bleus, ce n’est pas fréquent dans un restaurant asiatique). Là encore, les saveurs restent intactes, tout au plus une petite rectification de sel (un soupçon de sauce soja) s’impose. Question de goût.
Trois plats remarquables complètent ce menu stimulant, tous aussi parfaits les uns que les autres. Des filets de sole d’abord. De la vraie sole, épaisse, à la texture idéale, cuisson parfaite. Elle est escortée d’oignons nouveaux et de cubes de gingembre frais. C’est ce dernier qui dynamique le plat.
Poulet aux noix de cajou
Le poulet aux noix de cajou, shiitakés, oignons nouveaux et poivrons est relevé, lui, d’une sauce aussi vinaigrée que pimentée. On regrettera simplement le léger abus de fécule qu’on retrouve certes dans tous les mets cuisinés au wok, mais pour la volaille, le chef a eu la main un peu lourde.
Pas de problème de ce type pour le bœuf croustillant. Une préparation qui exige une excellente technique. Dans la grande majorité des cas, on se retrouve avec des lanières de viande raides, dures, collantes.
Ah! Il faut de la dextérité pour enrober de caramel la chair sans la durcir. Les fines rondelles de carotte et les piments rouges qui les accompagnent dans cette aventure conservent aussi leur texture. Un plat immense qui couronna un menu exemplaire.
Enfin presque. Parce que le dessert attendait en embuscade. Et il aurait été dommage de ne pas le voir atterrir sur la table. Imaginez des coques rondes de caramel panées au sésame. Un réseau très serré protégeant une glace crémeuse à la noix de coco. Cela croque et fond en bouche à la fois. Rien à voir avec ces beignets dont la croûte molle et parfois graisseuse entoure une crème glacée sans âme.
Oui, le Tse Yang est toujours à la hauteur de sa réputation. Et ses menus permettent de limiter les ravages de l’addition. Surtout en choisissant comme vin d’accompagnement une bouteille raisonnable comme ce Château de Calissanne Rosé à l’aromatique élégante et à la vinosité qui permet d’affronter des plats aussi puissants.
Tse Yang
19, quai du Mont-Blanc
+41-22 732 50 81.
Ouvert tous les jours.
Menus 46 (midi), 69, 83, 90, 110 et 145 fr.
A la carte (entrée, plat, dessert et une demi-bouteille de vin), compter 120 fr.
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Monsieur Ensini avec moi - last day of my stagiere :) |
Wow!!! Time flies man!!! It used to be under Noga-Hilton Hotel building, but now has been changed into Hotel Kempinski. Haiz... If I'm about to go to Switzerland again, sure that lots of things change!!!
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My last day of training - Celebrated with trainees and staffs... Miss them so much... |
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
OCBC Cycling 6 March 2011
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Me and my rented bike :) |
The road was up and down. The view was magnificent!!! The road was closed for this event. Just felt very lucky that I could be there!!! Hope I could join it again next time!!!
- Keep the one who's keeping you. Let go the one who's letting you go
- One of the cruelest things you can do to another person is pretend you care about them more than you really do. -Doug Coupland
- There's no point in asking someone to stay when their heart has already left. -Vincent Zandri
- One of the toughest parts of life is deciding when to give up or when to try harder. -Wil Zeus
- No need to be popular just to win someone's heart. Be yourself! Coz in someone's eyes, you're already special. -Jean Vanier
- I wish I could record my dreams, and watch them later
- The easiest way to not get hurt is to not care, but that's the hardest thing to do. -Julian Gough
- A real man doesn't play games with a woman's heart. He communicates with and cherishes his woman. -Mastin Kipp
- Sometimes laughing isn’t something you do for fun. Sometimes it’s a relief when you have nowhere to run. -Julia Cameron
- The world most beautiful sentence, “But I love you.” The world's most painful sentence, “I love you but…” -Vea Mariz
- Its easier to fake a smile than explaining why you're sad.
- We can't live without friends, but we don't have to be friends with everyone. Be SELECTIVE! -@WilzKanadi
- Wasting every second, minute, hour, day just to talk about others isn't wise. Stop being a hater! -@Tiffanywilliam
- Sometimes you know in your heart you love someone, but you've to go away before your head can figure it out. -Sharon Creech
- When girls get jealous, it's normal. But, when boys get jealous, lucky the girl he loves. -Debbie Nicholson
- Sexy Body & Pretty Look are Everywhere. Sexy Personality & Pretty Attitude are.. Rare.
- For extraordinary results, extraordinary steps.
- I can’t hide a bad mood from people who know me well
- LiFE = A game with no replay!
- Mocking people in twitter without actually mentioning them is basically useless.
- I hate boys who think they can get any girl.
- Someone who understands you, even before the relationship starts, would make the greatest partner. -@Helloelvia
- Stop worrying so much. Worrying is using your imagination to create things you don't want. Be happy and keep positive!
- Having one of those dreadful struggles between what I WANT and what I NEED.
- Kindness is true strength.
- Discouragement can make the strongest of us fall. Encouragement can make the weakest of us rise above
- The only truly painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained. -Katerina Klemer
- When girls get jealous, it's normal. But, when boys get jealous, lucky the girl he loves. -Debbie Nicholson
- One of the cruelest things you can do to another person is pretend you care about them more than you really do. -Doug Coupland
- There's no point in asking someone to stay when their heart has already left. -Vincent Zandri
- One of the toughest parts of life is deciding when to give up or when to try harder. -Wil Zeus
- No need to be popular just to win someone's heart. Be yourself! Coz in someone's eyes, you're already special. -Jean Vanier
- I wish I could record my dreams, and watch them later
- The easiest way to not get hurt is to not care, but that's the hardest thing to do. -Julian Gough
- A real man doesn't play games with a woman's heart. He communicates with and cherishes his woman. -Mastin Kipp
- Sometimes laughing isn’t something you do for fun. Sometimes it’s a relief when you have nowhere to run. -Julia Cameron
- The world most beautiful sentence, “But I love you.” The world's most painful sentence, “I love you but…” -Vea Mariz
- Its easier to fake a smile than explaining why you're sad.
- We can't live without friends, but we don't have to be friends with everyone. Be SELECTIVE! -@WilzKanadi
- Wasting every second, minute, hour, day just to talk about others isn't wise. Stop being a hater! -@Tiffanywilliam
- Sometimes you know in your heart you love someone, but you've to go away before your head can figure it out. -Sharon Creech
- When girls get jealous, it's normal. But, when boys get jealous, lucky the girl he loves. -Debbie Nicholson
- Sexy Body & Pretty Look are Everywhere. Sexy Personality & Pretty Attitude are.. Rare.
- For extraordinary results, extraordinary steps.
- I can’t hide a bad mood from people who know me well
- LiFE = A game with no replay!
- Mocking people in twitter without actually mentioning them is basically useless.
- I hate boys who think they can get any girl.
- Someone who understands you, even before the relationship starts, would make the greatest partner. -@Helloelvia
- Stop worrying so much. Worrying is using your imagination to create things you don't want. Be happy and keep positive!
- Having one of those dreadful struggles between what I WANT and what I NEED.
- Kindness is true strength.
- Discouragement can make the strongest of us fall. Encouragement can make the weakest of us rise above
- The only truly painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained. -Katerina Klemer
- When girls get jealous, it's normal. But, when boys get jealous, lucky the girl he loves. -Debbie Nicholson
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Place of 4-cycle in life
Here I am again on my regular check-up. Going to familiar place again, where I can always remind myself of 4-cycle of human being. Born, old, sick, and die. This is the place where all of these 4-cycle happens everyday.
I love coming here, in a sense that.. It reminds myself of people would get old, sick, and die eventually. And it reminds myself how fortunate I am, seeing many other people who are less fortunate than myself. So that the more I should treasure my health.
Today it's extremely fast service. I thought of skipping the finance meeting, but I guess, I can't skip and will be able to attend it later.. Haiyah...
Everything is alright. Thanks SB! 5 more months then I'll be seeing my handsome and young doctor again.. Hehehee... Oklah, now waiting for my medicines. Take care everyone!!!
I love coming here, in a sense that.. It reminds myself of people would get old, sick, and die eventually. And it reminds myself how fortunate I am, seeing many other people who are less fortunate than myself. So that the more I should treasure my health.
Today it's extremely fast service. I thought of skipping the finance meeting, but I guess, I can't skip and will be able to attend it later.. Haiyah...
Everything is alright. Thanks SB! 5 more months then I'll be seeing my handsome and young doctor again.. Hehehee... Oklah, now waiting for my medicines. Take care everyone!!!
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Did I tell you that half of my tooth was broken when I was munching fish crackers in Taiwan??? :P My tooth was brownish and decayed, so I guessed it was time to break. I wasn't in pain, but it doesn't look nice with that look. I can't open my mouth widely these past few weeks because of that. Hahaha...
Went to dentist last Saturday and the dentist suggested me to go to Root Canal Specialist to check my previous root canal condition. At the mean time, I did 5 fillings and it costed me about 350 sgd in total. So ex, but at least I felt better after doing that 'cos the three teeth in bottom part is no longer in blackish colour and I will be safe enough for the next few years, assured that the teeth are in good condition.
Supposedly I'll meet to root canal specialist next Wed, but they called me yesterday changing the appointment to this morning. Since my hubby was not working and he was able to bring my son to his tuitions, I had a chance to go there. The x-ray showed that there were bacterias contiminating the previous root canal and it needed to be cleaned and disinfected before putting the post and crown. And since the dentist is a specialist in root canal (he is angmoh), he charged $680+GST for his skills. Well, I have no other choice than to agree.
So he did the first step by opening the root canal and clean it. He also put some medicine inside as to kill the bacteria. He covered it temporarily and I need to see him next Saturday. Hopefully I can make it. That's how my $1k flying away from my pocket. I'm still expecting to spend another $1k to build the post and crown. So.. That's how my bonus will be spent this year (if there is any).
Maybe that's fate ba!!! Few years once, I have to invest some money on my teeth.. That's not fun, but unavoidable. Just be healthy and I'll be satisfy enough. Since now I'm still working and can afford it, I won't think twice to spend that money on it.
After seeing dentist, I decided to go to my working place to do some revision. I can't study at home as there will be lots of distraction. I can't study in library either because it's too cold and not so convenient. So my table will be the best choice. I can stay in room quietly, have drinks available, toilet nearby, and freedom of talking with myself when answering to the question. There were some distractions of course, when some colleagues were passing by and saying 'hi'. Some were using their break time for a chit-chat. Anyway... Manage to learn abit today but need to do more practice.
Decided to go home at 6.30pm to have dinner with my hubby and son, and tomorrow morning I need to wake up early for 20-km OCBC Cycling :)
It'll be my second attempt since I joined it last year. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and safe. Wish us luck!!
Well, enjoy your weekend everyone!! Have a great time!!!
Went to dentist last Saturday and the dentist suggested me to go to Root Canal Specialist to check my previous root canal condition. At the mean time, I did 5 fillings and it costed me about 350 sgd in total. So ex, but at least I felt better after doing that 'cos the three teeth in bottom part is no longer in blackish colour and I will be safe enough for the next few years, assured that the teeth are in good condition.
Supposedly I'll meet to root canal specialist next Wed, but they called me yesterday changing the appointment to this morning. Since my hubby was not working and he was able to bring my son to his tuitions, I had a chance to go there. The x-ray showed that there were bacterias contiminating the previous root canal and it needed to be cleaned and disinfected before putting the post and crown. And since the dentist is a specialist in root canal (he is angmoh), he charged $680+GST for his skills. Well, I have no other choice than to agree.
So he did the first step by opening the root canal and clean it. He also put some medicine inside as to kill the bacteria. He covered it temporarily and I need to see him next Saturday. Hopefully I can make it. That's how my $1k flying away from my pocket. I'm still expecting to spend another $1k to build the post and crown. So.. That's how my bonus will be spent this year (if there is any).
Maybe that's fate ba!!! Few years once, I have to invest some money on my teeth.. That's not fun, but unavoidable. Just be healthy and I'll be satisfy enough. Since now I'm still working and can afford it, I won't think twice to spend that money on it.
After seeing dentist, I decided to go to my working place to do some revision. I can't study at home as there will be lots of distraction. I can't study in library either because it's too cold and not so convenient. So my table will be the best choice. I can stay in room quietly, have drinks available, toilet nearby, and freedom of talking with myself when answering to the question. There were some distractions of course, when some colleagues were passing by and saying 'hi'. Some were using their break time for a chit-chat. Anyway... Manage to learn abit today but need to do more practice.
Decided to go home at 6.30pm to have dinner with my hubby and son, and tomorrow morning I need to wake up early for 20-km OCBC Cycling :)
It'll be my second attempt since I joined it last year. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and safe. Wish us luck!!
Well, enjoy your weekend everyone!! Have a great time!!!
Friday, March 04, 2011
Taiwan Trip 15-20 February 2011
A month since the Chinese New Year has just passed. I have come back from my holiday trip to Taiwan.
It was an amazing trip, full of surprises, meeting up with old friends after 10 years, sharing of woman's problem and feelings, culinary journey, sightseeing, drinking session, visit friend's family, and many more.
Reunion with Taiwanese Les Roches students - Thanks for coming!!!
Ching and I at Dan Shui - Thanks for everything Ching!!!
Shelly and I after the public hotspring - sponsored by Andy :) - Thanks to Shelly for everything too!!!
Managed to see Ping Xi Sky Lantern Festival at Shi Fen. It was held on 15th day of Lunar New Year (Yuan Xiao Jie). Really different from what I imagined. It was held up in the mountain where train was just passing by the area where people passed by the railway just like a common road, so interesting!! If you got a chance, go there once to see!!! Witnessing the sky lanterns being flew together in hundreds... Full of wishes and prays that they expect to come true... :)
Even funny when I saw Singapore singer was there to perform some songs to us.. Hahaha... But it was great, really!! Even it was raining during the whole night, it didn't deter us to watch and see...
Show you the video below on how it was looked like over there:
Thank you SB for giving me great health and protection and everything that made my journey great!!! It was really a fate that brought me and others together!!! :)
It was an amazing trip, full of surprises, meeting up with old friends after 10 years, sharing of woman's problem and feelings, culinary journey, sightseeing, drinking session, visit friend's family, and many more.

Starting with the worry of travelling alone since my partner wouldn't be able to go as something happened to her family member. In that situation, luckily I gained full of supports from few good friends there. I can't count their kindness for bring helpful to make my trip wonderful. They even appeared on the reunion dinner and drinking night. So glad to be able to see familiar faces.

Managed to see Ping Xi Sky Lantern Festival at Shi Fen. It was held on 15th day of Lunar New Year (Yuan Xiao Jie). Really different from what I imagined. It was held up in the mountain where train was just passing by the area where people passed by the railway just like a common road, so interesting!! If you got a chance, go there once to see!!! Witnessing the sky lanterns being flew together in hundreds... Full of wishes and prays that they expect to come true... :)
Even funny when I saw Singapore singer was there to perform some songs to us.. Hahaha... But it was great, really!! Even it was raining during the whole night, it didn't deter us to watch and see...
Show you the video below on how it was looked like over there:
Thank you SB for giving me great health and protection and everything that made my journey great!!! It was really a fate that brought me and others together!!! :)
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