Monday, December 26, 2016

After 8 years of SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythemathosus)

Keep dreaming :)

I just reread my own blog post that I wrote 3 years ago. I guess, things haven't changed much since that day, except that I've fulfilled more destination dreams in my life, especially last year and this year. I've fulfilled my dreams to visit Reykjavik  (as the city name resembles my nick name - Rima Reyka - and produces Reyka vodka), and at the same time I was very lucky being able to watch the Aurora Borealis (northern light) - never thought that I'd ever seen it in my life.

I've visited many other places that I'd never visited before too, like Russia, Korea, Vietnam, etc. I've fulfilled my dreams to visit the beautiful and romantic place of Taj Mahal, and to where Dalai Lama resides (Dharamsala). Never expected that the younger days' dream to visit the Buddha pilgrimage sites such as: Lumbini in Nepal, Bodhgaya, Sarnath, Kushinagar, Tso Pema in India, China's Silk Road, etc., have also been accomplished!!! I've even traveled to more places in India like Kolkata, Sikkim, Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and so on.

I'm very lucky too for visiting Bhutan 3 times in 4 years' time. Visited many places from west to east, to the south, that the Bhutanese themselves were amazed with the extent of the places I'd been too. It was all thanks to everyone who had been willing to invite me there, bring me around, let me stay at their houses, and cooked Bhutanese meals for me everyday. I've become more like a Bhutanese now :)

Usually I'd fly alone then meet up with friend/ friends there. But many times I travelled with my parents, sometimes with hubby or with son, also with siblings to create our memories together.

I've visited my sisters and stayed for some time too as to spend more time with them and their families - Australia for a month and Hong Kong for two weeks. Maybe soon I need to go home and stay longer with my parents :D

I'm very grateful that for the past 8 years my SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythemathosus) condition is quite stable. With my visit to Hong Kong this year end, it reminded me how it was all started. Read more about it here.

Yesterday (on Christmas day), I went hiking at Sai Kung Country Park - eastern part of New Territories. I'd heard about the place before and when my cousin, Jessica, invited us (my brother, my sister, their families, my son, and I) to hike there on Christmas day, I was so much excited!!!

Our hiking at Sai Kung Country Park, Hong Kong :)

She explained the territory to us beforehand. At first she said it would be around 11 km long and the trail would be up and down. So the expecting time to finish the trail would be around 4 hours. In the beginning I was hesitating if I could do it because on Christmas Eve we went out until late and walked a lot. My period was about to come too. Also, usually my morning walk in Singapore took me only around two hours time while the trail was quite easy to walk.

Despite all that, I told myself, "Rima, let's try!! Isn't it what you're looking for? Basking yourself in nature is what you're looking for right now. Since someone is willing to guide you, why miss the opportunity???" Therefore, I told my brother that I'd join them if my period had not started yet in the morning. So, I joined them and 4 of us went together :)

Beautiful mountains view at Sai Kung Country Park 

The terrain was really as what she mentioned. It was full of ups and downs. In between, we passed by 4 beautiful beaches (Sai Wan or West Beach, Tai Lang or Big Wave Beach, Sian Tian or Salty Field Beach, and Tung Wan or East Beach). We walked with total distance of 13.2 km for almost 4 hours time. We had lunch break in the middle (after passing the wooden bridge at Sian Tian Beach).

This hike showed me what life was really like. I started it with mixed feelings (mostly happy and exciting to see what lies next) and full of energy. I felt happy when the slope was going down (just like finishing one task successfully in life, e.g. finishing study), but prepared myself that it would be the beginning of another slope up (just like starting a new job). It required hard work, sweat, and determination to reach the top. But once you're there, you'd see the beautiful view from the top. That was when your hard work paid off - satisfaction. From there, things got easier again, then up again, until you reached your destination.

Live is short. Enjoy it to the fullest!!! :)

I felt great when finally accomplished the trails. I was just like the rest of the people who were in good health. Even the healthy ones were not necessary able to hike like that hehe...

So, let this year's Christmas hiking would be my celebration for surviving 8 years from SLE. My mind set is rather pessimistic though. I always tell everyone that I live my life as if I'll die tomorrow. They all immediately knocked the wood 3 times when I said "life is short, who knows I'll die tomorrow."

My wishing stones built at Ta Lang Beach - Sai Kung Country Park, Hong Kong 

It's reality though. Everyone will go there one day. It's just a matter of time, 'when?' I just want to fill my day with happiness. Forget the unhappiness. Let it go altogether with what causes it. And at the end, only peace will remain. Let's see how many more years I'll be able to continue living and celebrating more surviving years from SLE. For the rest of SLE owners, hope you are blessed with long life and stable condition. So you can reach for your dreams like I do, live your life to the fullest!!! You can do it!!! :)


Tashi Chenzom said...

The way you live makes you so happy and perhaps that's the reason for u being this healthy.
Keep enjoying as you have been doing and this is leading you towards happiness and good health

Putra said...

Wah Rim, gw gak tau lu ada lupus. Kagum ma lu, soalnya tetap aja lu banyak energy dan positive thinking. Keep the good attitude yah & Living your life to the fullest ! Take care

Flora said...

Good morning Charo!
Hope you are having great time as always, I am sorry to read about you diagnosed SLE, I heard of this disease in 2012 when one of my cousin diagnosed form SLE in Vallore hospital in south India when I was doing degree, it was heart breaking news and I felt so painful seeing her going through such unbearable situation, at the moment she is doing fine also, it so nice and inspiring that you keep moving on and you came long way and you are doing very well! Keep it up charo, Buddha is looking after you, my prayer and love with you always. Cheers! Have a god day!😍😘

Tshering Dolkar said...

Hello Rima, I love your spirit. A great example to all human beings. You are in my prayers, that you may continue to live your life to the fullest, that you may always be happy and fulfill all your dreams, that your health treats you well. Take care. Fondest love and hugs

Overcome Life said...

Thank you Tashi for your comments! You've always been my ardour reader :) It motivates me to write and to live my life meaningfully. Take care and enjoy your life journey too!!

Love, Rima :)

Overcome Life said...

Thank you Put!!! I hope you'll live your life you the fullest too!!! Take care and enjoy the ride!! ;)

Overcome Life said...

Name same kadinche-la Charo!! My prayer and love to you and your family too!! May Buddha bless you all always! :)

Love, Rima :)

Overcome Life said...

Thank you Madam for your kind wishes!!! Hope you're doing great, stay healthy and happy always!!!

Love, Rima :)

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