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Rhonda Byrne quote day 365 |
"You are in the perfect place on your perfect journey. You are right where you are meant to be, because you chose it. In fact, you could not be more perfect than you are now." - Rhonda Byrne day 365
It's just perfectly the right words to boost my spirit up on my first day back to the working life. Like when I looked at it, it was like, I felt that the Universe knew what I was doing everyday and it was always there above me to protect, nurture, motivate, and ensure that things would be alright; that I was exactly at the right direction, where I supposed to be, just because I CHOSE IT. Yes, I chose it...
Something must be forgotten or given up in order to be in this place, unfortunately. But I believed that everything happened only for good reasons, though no one said the journey would be easy, though no one promised the outcome would be good or better, though the path were challenging and rough. Again, it's something I chose over.
We all knew money wasn't everything, not the primary thing to catch in life. It's not that how we wanted to spend our lifetime just to build tower of money that we could see on our olden days. It was still necessary though for us to sustain our day-to-day life, and we had choices on how we wanted to earn it.
We could choose something easier, less stress, but you definitely earned much less. In Singapore, it was tough to find such job. You had to work physically hard (like stand up or moving things around up and down the whole day, do repetitive job and so on), and yet you still earned less. Wanted to earn more, yes you might be able to do so, provided that you worked overtime, which of course in the long run, it would only spoil your health.
Those who earned more would usually face lots of stress at work. It could be caused by the volume of the job (never ending work), the pressure from boss, customers, even public, the limitation of manpower provided as to save cost, the improper planning and collaboration that caused tons of last minute and urgent things, and so on.
There was always pros and contras too on where we chose to work. Those worked at CBD (Central Business District) area, they again would usually earn better, but the cost of meals that they had to fork up everyday, if accumulated, would be back to square one. So some would end up bringing food from home for lunch and eating a pack of economical bread a week plus 3-in-1 coffee to sustain the breakfast. And those who worked at hotel industry, they would usually be quite lucky as the meals were provided. But that also would depend on your luck whether they provided generally good meals or not. There was once where I worked at hotel where they engaged outside catering to cook the staffs' meal but the choices and portions were limited, as they wanted to cut their cost, and I ended up spending most of my breakfast and lunch outside and spending extra money for it.
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Confusius quote |
After months of taking break and worked in different companies, it was a little bit hard to adjust back to the working life. The nature of your job would make a different too onto the level of happiness that you're expecting to have. Confusius once said, "Choose a job that you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Unfortunately, this would seldom be reality in our life. Who loves to work at the very first place? Do you??? Haha...
I used to run out from accounting subject during my school time although I knew that there was where my strength lies. During high school, I chose Biology over Economics. During college, I chose Hospitality over Accounts. Just thought my siblings had chosen them enough. I should follow another sister to learn something else. At the end, my strength and introvert personality led me back to accounts job. Oh my... I wouldn't say that it was a wrong choice but only accounts people would know why we hated our jobs sometimes, especially towards month end. They would definitely know.
Again, perhaps I put high expectation with my own self and getting the job done was never enough. It should be 'getting the job done and right, to avoid more jobs to rectify the errors.
So this time, I was given opportunity to work a full time job at area that I was keen to learn. It was something related to what I did before although not entirely. Lots of things to learn all over again. And as month end approached, stay back was unavoidable. Just hope things would get better. I hope...
Deep inside, many times I felt like crying and giving up. But looking at other colleagues who had done the job for months, I admired their soaring high spirits. I really wanted to ask them, what made you this way?? Was it no other choice? Was it out of something you really liked? Or you were just simply workaholic? And I too was asking my self, was I too much pampered in life?? So that a bit hardship making me felt like giving up??? Hahaha...
Well, time would tell. But again, IT WAS MY CHOICE, so I wouldn't easily give up and I'd give my self some time to adjust. Let's see how far I would go... May Buddha bless me all the time... :)
Jia you d.. stay home mum jg cape kok.. bolak Balik antar jemput.. baru ngadem d rumah kena panas terik..
dah liat gw kl minum kopi taro microwave dulu... apalagi kl dpt laki yg gak bantu2... untung Aja gw msh dpt yg bantu2.
dah early month.. hope it will get better you work life. Love u.
Anak gua kan dah gede. So SAHM buat gua no problem hahaha... Well, no life is perfect. Balance lo... kerja setahun break bbrp bulan lol... Cheers... Love u too :)
Congratulations charo... I always found you with high spirits & things be doing with with yuh so far. I am so sure that guy have antother beds time in your new work place. Buddha will alys be with you. Good luck
Kadinche-la Flora. Let's see how far it goes ;) Thank you for your best wishes la!!! Hope you are doing well there!!! Miss and love you!!! :)
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